Home » Fitli » Miscellaneous Charge, Client Photos, and More
Miscellaneous Charges
Now, you can create a random charge right in the purchase flow. This should help with several use cases such as tipping, multiple item checkout, and any other reason you’d charge somebody for an amount that’s not in your price list.

Client Photo Uploads
The title says it all. Clients can now upload photos of themselves in the account info tab within the Personal section. Additionally, a business user can upload a photo of a client as well. So where do these photos get displayed? As of right now, they will show up in the customer list, session profiles, and customer profile. More to come on this down the road.

Disbursement Dates
Why is this important? Well, for those of you who want to reconcile your bank deposits with your payment transactions, this give you what you need to do that. Historically, you have had to request a report from Fitli Support. We then export data from Braintree (processor) and reformat it manually. You would have to remember to request it from us and then wait for us to complete the request. Now, you can export your sales report and get the same data. Yay! Happy reconciling!

Professional Profile Preview
You have all loaded a photo and edited your professional profile right? If not, you should. It improves the experience for your clients using the web or mobile application. This is just a small thing, but we’ve now added a preview so you can see what your changes will look like to clients.

Purchase Flow Experience Update
Just a little touch up to make things cleaner. Previously, if you had a long package description, it would push the rest of the screen down. That was just yucky! No more! Now, you click on the package name to view the description and other stats. If you have too many packages, you click “Show more…” to see them all.

Quick Booking Filters
We’ve made a small improvement to quick booking to make it easier to use. Now you can filter to show just the days you want to book and exclude all the others. Hopefully quick booking is even quicker now.

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