Home » Fitli » Tips for Setting Pricing in your Fitness Business

Discover key strategies to optimize fitness business pricing, ensuring competitive rates while maximizing your revenue potential.

As a fitness business owner, you know that pricing is one of the most important aspects of your operation. Get it wrong, and you could be leaving money on the table or, even worse, driving customers away. Get it right, however, and you’ll be in a good position to maximize your revenue and profits. So the question arises, how much should I charge for a workout program? 

The answer lies in the effective tips we discuss in this article. Here is everything we’ll cover.

There are a few different ways you can price your fitness services. The method you choose will likely depend on your business model, the type of fitness services you offer, and what’s most important to you (whether that’s maximizing revenue, profits, or reaching a wider audience). 

Fitness Pricing Methods 

Some of the most common fitness pricing methods include:  

  • Per class/session: With this pricing method, customers pay a set fee for each fitness class or session they attend. This is a popular option for businesses that offer various classes, as it allows customers to mix and match to create their own fitness experience. 
  • Monthly membership: With the monthly pricing plan for fitness businesses, customers pay a monthly fee in exchange for unlimited access to your fitness facilities and services. This is a popular option for gyms and fitness clubs as it encourages customers to keep coming back.  
  • Pay as you go: With this model, customers can purchase fitness services à la carte without having to commit to a monthly membership. This is a good option for businesses that offer unique fitness experiences or cater to customers who only want to use your services occasionally.

How to Set Fitness Business Pricing

Determine the cost and potential profit

Calculate your costs and add a profit margin to those numbers. Calculating various expenditures like rent, trainers’ salaries, license fees, and premiums for insurance such as general and professional liability insurance are essential for fitness businesses. Having all records concerning your overhead costs will help you set fair fitness business pricing that also leaves you a good profit. Here is how you could split up your costs:

  • Fixed Costs: These are costs that don’t change regardless of how many clients you have, such as rent, salaries, utilities, and insurance.
  • Variable Costs: These costs fluctuate based on the number of clients or the volume of services you offer, like equipment wear and tear, refreshments, or extra staffing.
  • One-time Costs: These include costs like equipment purchases or facility upgrades.

At the very least, your pricing should cover your costs so that the business doesn’t operate at a loss. Knowing your fixed and variable costs helps determine the minimum price you must charge to break even.

Once you know your costs, you can set a pricing strategy that ensures a specific profit margin. For instance, if you aim for a 20% profit margin and your cost is $50 per service, you’d need to charge at least $60. If you’re aware of where your costs lie, you can also better communicate the value you offer to your clients. For instance, if a significant portion of your costs involves state-of-the-art equipment or highly qualified trainers, this can be a selling point in your marketing materials.

Understanding your costs allows you to offer discounts and promotions without accidentally putting yourself in a loss-making situation. It ensures that even promotional prices cover costs.

Check your competitors’ pricing

As you prepare to set the pricing, it’s essential to research the market and understand how your pricing compares to your competition. Competitors’ pricing gives you a benchmark to understand the prevailing market rate for similar services. This ensures you don’t undercharge or overcharge, both of which can have detrimental effects on your business. Undercharging might result in inadequate revenue generation, while overcharging can deter potential clients. 

Your fitness business pricing strategy plays a significant role in positioning your brand in the market. By analyzing competitors’ prices, you can decide whether you want to position your services as premium, value-for-money, budget-friendly or perhaps all of these. Each pricing strategy has its own target audience and brand messaging.

Analyzing competitors’ prices alongside their service offerings also allows you to identify gaps in the market. You might find an opportunity to offer specialized services at a premium price or package deals that competitors aren’t capitalizing on. 

Understand demographics

Understanding demographics is essential for determining prices for your fitness services because demographics provide insights into the characteristics, needs, preferences, and financial capabilities of your target market.

Different demographic groups have varied income levels. Understanding the average income of your primary demographic can help you set prices that are affordable and attractive to them, while still ensuring profitability for your business.

Similarly, different age groups, cultural backgrounds, or education levels might perceive the value of fitness services differently. For instance, younger generations might value a trendy, tech-integrated fitness experience, whereas older generations might value personal interactions and traditional training methods more.

By analyzing demographics, you can also offer student discounts, senior citizen rates, or family packages based on the predominant groups you serve.

people working out at the gym

Test, Test, Test

The best way to find the perfect price for your fitness business is to test different prices and see how customers react. This could mean running a sale at a discounted price or offering a premium service at a higher price.  

Testing your prices also means understanding price elasticity. Price elasticity refers to how demand for a product or service changes in response to a price change. By testing different price points, you can determine how sensitive your clients are to price changes and find the sweet spot where revenue is maximized.

Different segments of your customer base also may have varying willingness to pay. Testing can help you identify these segments and possibly tailor different offerings to cater to each segment’s needs and budgets.

Be flexible 

Once you’ve settled on a price, it’s important to be flexible. The fitness industry is dynamic. New trends, technologies, and competitors can emerge, causing shifts in market demand. Flexible pricing allows businesses to adjust quickly to these changing conditions.

Different customers have different needs and financial capabilities. Offering a range of pricing options or flexible payment terms can make your services more accessible and attractive to a broader audience. Loyalty discounts or referral benefits, can incentivize long-term commitment and client referrals, fostering community and loyalty within your fitness center.

Implementing dynamic fitness business pricing models, where prices are adjusted based on demand, time of day, or season, can help maximize revenue. For example, off-peak hour discounts can encourage usage during times when the facility might otherwise be underutilized. 

For clients who might find standard rates challenging, flexible pricing models like sliding scales, group rates, or family packages can offer more perceived value, making them more likely to engage with your services.

Offer optimum value

Now more than ever, customers make their purchase decisions based on the value they’re getting. They want your services but they would also highly appreciate and, in fact, prefer expert advice, personal technique sessions, regular check-ins, and community. Every gym, dance, or Pilates studio will be offering more or less the same packages but it’s your expertise, culture, atmosphere, and sincere follow-ups that make your facility unique.

Make sure that you’re offering exceptional value beyond workouts. Hire certified and experienced trainers who can offer expert guidance. Their knowledge, techniques, and ability to connect with clients can make a significant difference in the perceived value of your services. When you’re providing your clients with that value, you can charge them accordingly. Customers are more than willing to pay for a service that addresses their needs and concerns. Some good examples of added value could be:

  • Longer schedules 
  • 1:1 technique sessions
  • A designated stretch and cool area
  • Regular check-ins 
  • Regular progress tracking
  • Tests like body fat measurement

Understand your client’s needs

You’re probably already listening to your customers and asking them what they want. The needs of your target members play a significant role in determining your fitness business pricing. You should know how often they work out? What are their specific fitness goals? What do they think of your services? What improvements would they like? 

Clients are willing to pay a price that aligns with the value they perceive. If you offer specialized training or niche classes that cater to specific needs, you may be able to charge a premium because clients recognize the unique value provided.

Some clients might want long-term commitments with lower monthly rates, while others might prefer shorter-term, flexible options at a slightly higher rate. Understanding these preferences can guide pricing structures.

Similarly, if clients express a need for auxiliary services like nutrition consulting, personal training, or spa treatments, these can be incorporated into the pricing structure, either as part of a package or as add-ons. Understanding your client’s needs not only ensures that your offerings are tailored and relevant but also allows for a nuanced, responsive pricing strategy that can drive both client satisfaction and business profitability.

personal trainer

Break your services into different levels

Not every fitness business can charge all its members the same price. A one-size-fits-all pricing strategy can no longer benefit you when you have clients with diverse needs. In addition to their fitness needs, they might have varied goals and budgets too. By offering tiered services, you can cater to beginners, intermediates, advanced individuals, or specific niches, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

Tiered offerings can clarify the value proposition for each level. By explicitly stating the benefits and features of each tier, clients can easily see what they’re getting for their money. This also allows customers to choose a package that aligns best with their needs, giving them a sense of control and personalization.

Once a client starts with a basic package and sees results or develops a deeper interest, they may be inclined to upgrade to a higher tier. This presents opportunities for upselling, thereby increasing the client’s lifetime value to the business.

Review Regularly

Finally, it’s important to review your pricing regularly. This will ensure that your prices are still in line with your costs and the value you’re delivering to customers. Over time, operational costs can change. This could be due to rent increases, higher salaries, or the rising cost of equipment and utilities. Regularly reviewing your prices ensures you cover these expenses and maintain profitability.

The integration of technology, like fitness apps or virtual reality, can introduce new cost structures and value propositions. Regular price reviews can account for the investments and returns of these technological features.

Regular reviews help to balance the fine line between charging what your service is worth and ensuring clients feel they’re getting value for their money. If clients feel they’re being overcharged, you risk losing them, but if they perceive they’re getting a deal, they’re more likely to stay loyal.

By reviewing your prices, you can identify which services are most profitable, which ones need adjustments, or which ones might need to be discontinued.

In Summary

Setting the right price for your fitness services is essential to your success as a business. Thorough research and planning are crucial to setting the right price for your fitness business. It’s only through the right pricing that you’re able to attract potential clients, earn profit and grow your brand. So the answer to the question of how much should I charge for a  workout program lies in these few steps: 

  • Determine the cost and potential profit
  • Check your competitors’ pricing
  • Experiment and test different pricing before settling on one that works the best for your business
  • Be flexible with your pricing and offer discounts 
  • Provide exceptional value 
  • Understand your clients’ needs
  • Break your services into different levels.

Setting the right price for your fitness business is a blend of understanding your costs, knowing the market, and recognizing the value you offer. Once you’ve figured out your pricing, don’t forget to list down all the packages or tiered offerings on your website for your potential clients to browse and choose.